Our sick and those in need of special prayers




The Church calls us to lift our brothers and sisters up in prayer when they are sick or struggling. The Parish continues to receive word about our parishioners who are ill, and we also receive  requests about their well-being by others and ask why their names are not published. Since some of the members of our parish request that their names not be published when they are ill it becomes difficult. We strive to respect everyone’s privacy along with trying to provide prayer support to all.

We hope to list the members of our parish who are currently in need of our prayers, a visit, a note, or a phone call. To add a name to the listing, please contact the person first to make certain they want such information published and then contact the parish office.

If you wish prayer during a time of illness or difficulty for yourself or for a family member, please contact the office by e-mail at omophparish@gmail.com or by phone at 248.545.2310.



 Pray for


We pray for our Sick, their families and caregivers and our men and women serving in the military...

We pray for John LaCroix, David Doig, Leonard Piasta, Pat Koykka, Barbara Hickner, Gus Wada