As We Approach Election Season We Received This From The Archdiocese of Detroit
Please do not leave any elections materials in the church
Churches and other 501 (c) (3) institutions that qualify for tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code are not permitted to be involved in partisan politics, including any expressions of preference, support for, or opposition to any specific candidates or political parties.
Do not endorse or oppose candidates, political parties, or groups of candidates or take any action reasonably construed as endorsement or opposition. (For example, a priest could offer Mass for “all those running for and holding public office” without referencing any candidate(s) or political parties by name.)
Do not authorize distribution of partisan political materials or biased voter education materials (those that support or oppose—or exhibit bias for or against—any candidate or party) on church property, in church publications, or at church activities.
Do facilitate voter education through the provision of materials only published by the local diocesan bishop, the Michigan Catholic Conference or the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Flyer/Announcement Policy
All flyers of any kind/size need to be approved by Fr. Chateau.
Any and all announcements also need to be approved by Fr. Chateau. Fr. Chateau or our Music Director are the only people who may make announcements. Heads of recognized parish organizations may at times be allowed to make an announcement. This has always been the parish policy and sadly has lately been totally disregarded, by some, resulting in misleading and inaccurate information being spread.
If there is something you would like posted on the bulletin boards, inserted into the bulletin, placed at the welcome desk or anywhere else on parish grounds you need to receive approval before it will be posted or distributed.
Potential flyers and announcements need to be sent, at least 2 weeks in advance, via email to Showing it to or asking Fr. Chateau is NOT the process to be followed.
If there is a problem with your submission you will be notified.
Any non-approved items posted or left for distribution which have not been stamped approved will be removed. We thank you for your cooperation.
Flyers related to Family of Parishes events/information are exempt from this policy
Prayer List Policy
The Church calls us to lift our brothers and sisters up in prayer when they are sick or struggling. The Parish continues to receive word about our parishioners who are ill, and we also receive requests about their well-being by others and ask why their names are not published. Since some of the members of our parish request that their names not be published when they are ill it becomes difficult. We strive to respect everyone’s privacy along with trying to provide prayer support to all. We hope to list the members of our parish who are currently in need of our prayers, a visit, a note, or a phone call. To add a name to the listing, please contact the person first to make certain they want such information published and then contact the parish office at 248.545.2310. If you wish prayer during a time of illness or difficulty for yourself or for a family member, please contact the office by e-mail at or by phone at 248.545.2310. Names will be kept on the list for 4 weeks. Contact the parish office, at 248.545.2310, if you wish a name to remain on the prayer list for an additional four weeks.
Event Policy
Do not go to Fr. Paul to schedule an event.
All OMoPH Parish Calendar events must be sponsored by one of the official parish organizations, groups, or council/commission.
Please check the parish calendar on this website to see if your date is available
Liturgical events take priority over all other parish events
NO non-liturgical/worship events are to be scheduled on Holy Days of Obligation, during Holy Week or the Triduum.
The event scheduling form must be signed by the council chair, commission chair or organization president.
Submit the form via email to
IMPORTANT: Speaker(s) must be pre-approved and completed paperwork submitted 6 weeks prior to event being scheduled.
You will be contacted if there is a problem with scheduling your event.